To add or activate a new traveler, you first must be logged in through our Campground Managers Login

On the right side of your screen, select Bookings and then select Campsite Bookings

Double click on the date and campsite for booking in Campsite Bookings. A new window will prompt you to search for a traveler. In this window, select Customer Booking and hit next. 

If the traveler does not yet exist in the system, you can click Create New Traveler.

When you create a new traveler profile with an email address, the traveler will receive all confirmations and credit card receipts automatically through the workflow. This is recommended, because it will ensure both you and the traveler have all the current information up to date. 

If the traveler does not have an email, you can still create a profile. You will need to create a Login/Username for the traveler. It is recommended to use the travelers name with no spaces. In this case, where they do not have an email attached to their account, the traveler will not receive any communication or reservation confirmations.