To set or edit your Campgrounds dates and Online Booking dates, first make sure you are logged in under your Manager Profile. You can find this at the bottom of our front page, or click here

What is the difference between Campground dates and Booking dates?  
The Campground dates are the dates that your sites are available for camping, for example your campground might be open May 1 to September 30.  
The Booking dates are when you will accept reservations from travelers, for example you might open online bookings on March 1 for travelers to reserve their sites and the Booking dates would be March 1 to September 29.

To edit or set your Campground Season dates, select Campgrounds on the dashboard. 

Here you can see all of your campgrounds. Click the pencil icon under Actions to make edits. 

Scroll down, and you will find Campground Dates and Times.  Here you can set your opening date and closing date for the season. Think of this as your campgrounds hours of availability. You also have the option to select "open year round" if applicable.

Scroll down and you will see Booking Options.

These can be important to set as you can fill the following in with your campgrounds booking rules:

Booking Period refers to the number of days ahead of the current day that users are allowed to book.
Days Before Booking Allowed refers to the number of days before booking are allowed from the current day. 

Cancelation Limit refers to the number of days before a booking arrivals date can be cancelled without penalty/late fee. 

Below, you can now see Booking Opening Date and Booking Closing Date. This refers to when you want to begin allowing campers to make bookings at your campground.